Eisenhower Had it Right
This quote has been making the rounds on the net so before posting I did some research and it is legit. The part Ike did not foresee was the use of "Christianity" by both religious conservatives and the Republican party to pursue a most decidedly “un-Christian” agenda.
Here’s what Ike had to say:
Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H. L. Hunt (you possibly know his background), a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.
Eisenhower in a letter to his brother Edgar on May 2, 1956
Who would have guessed in the 1950’s that anyone would sink low enough as to finance tax cuts for the rich and wars without end by attacking the poor and extending debt as far as the eye could see? Who back then could have imagined the US government torturing prisoners and destroying the environment under the leadership of a “Christian President?” Who would have believed that this could all have been brought about by packaging the whole sordid affair as “God’s will?” While Ike correctly saw the unsavory nature of the agenda of political conservatives, he never suspected how low members of his own party would sink when pursuing an un-holy alliance with religious conservatives.
Where’s Howdy Doody when we need him?
Well done on a nice blog guerilla dove. I was searching for information on astronomy for beginners and came across your post Eisenhower Had it Right - not quite what I was looking for related to astronomy for beginners but very interesting all the same!
Well, it's a new year - in fact it's almost the Chinese New Year. I'm still putting together astronomy lesson plans for the first and second semesters. This year the budget allows us to purchase a new telescope for the science group. That's great so we're still juggling the numbers how to get best bang for the buck! Not the 'big bang' you understand LOL. I'm coming down on the side of the Meade LX200GPS 12" Schmidt-Cassegrain. Let's wait and see.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Astronomy for Kids .
A happy new year to everyone!
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